Before the onset of the liberal Enlightenment, people thought in terms of religion. That was the conceptual framework. Even early liberal Enlightenment thinkers cloaked their theories in pseudo religions. For example August Comte's first endeavors in the field of sociology had all the hallmarks of a cult (link). While the moral merits of Communism and National Socialism have long shown as vacuous with bodies piled up high on the altar of reason, the oldest and longest surviving brain child of the Enlightenment, liberalism itself is now at the point of defeat. Now what? How to Beat the Meaning Crisis, Part 1part 2, part 3

Oct. 7, 2024 Ben Shapiro: The Dark Side of Fairy Tales | Jonathan Pageau.

In recent years we have come to know Orthodox icon carver, Symbolic World podcaster - and more recently, publisher Jonathan Pageau (website) very well. Together with his brother, this French Canadian has developed an unique way of looking at reality, as we shall see in present videos (more). 

In the first video Pageau is discussing his world view with Ben Shapiro of The Daily Wire (link). A few words on that are in order. 

I am aware there are people who don't like Shapiro. I'm not a huge fan myself. But we have to get away from the postmodern purism that condemns anyone who does not ideologically aligns with you. 

First of all, it is unchristian. Secondly, it is nonsense. No one but God is hundred percent right and good. Evil is a philosophical non entity. And we must distinguish sin from the sinner. This purism is the effect of the totalitarian ideology, that condemns any dissent, exactly the thing we are trying to get away from. 

As far as the video is concerned, the subject matter is in itself very interesting and concerns partly the recent satanic Olympics in Paris. We have posted extensively on the issue at the time. If you want to refresh your memory of the abomination, here it is. 

The discussion gets to the crux of what Elon Musk terms 'the woke mind virus' around the 48:50 mark. Shapiro call it a reverse of reality into chaos, but Pageau gets it exactly right where he states it is actually the inverse of reality, the center and the fringes. 

We are not looking at the opposite side of the coin, but rather a satanic inversion where the fringes become the center, the abnormal the norm, good becomes evil and vice versa. It's a carnival, a clown world, in effect a caricature of reality.

The next video in this series we want to share with you is Pageau's most recent discussion with the fascinating mythographer, writer, and professional storyteller, Dr Martin Shaw who is also a convert to Eastern Orthodoxy. 

Oct. 10, 2024 Jonathan Pageau: Christian Wonder Tales - with Dr. Martin Shaw.

He maintains that "the soul is not fed entirely by logic, we are fed by images. Ideas are interesting, but when we want to be absolutely poleaxed by wonder it is a story that's going to do it."

Pageau had a wonderful discussion with the captivating storyteller about the value of - not only understanding - but also telling and entering into stories. 

They talk about the various traditions of storytelling covered in his upcoming course. You can still sign up for Dr. Martin Shaw's first-ever live online course, "Christian Wonder Tales", starting November 12th on the site of Symbolic World.

In the video Shaw and Pageau discuss how to approach the tales of our inheritance, the modern taming of Christianity, and how Bible stories are different from pagan and more peripheral myths. 

Earlier on How to Beat the Meaning Crisis, Part 1, part 2part 3.

- More LiberalismsecularismChristianity, Eastern Orthodoxy, Jonathan Pageau -


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