Before the onset of the liberal Enlightenment, people thought in terms of religion. That was the conceptual framework. Even early liberal Enlightenment thinkers cloaked their theories in pseudo religions. For example August Comte's first endeavors in the field of sociology had all the hallmarks of a religion (link). We may be aware of it or not, but the ideologies that followed out of that source, have all been proven unworkable. While the moral merits of Communism and National Socialism have long shown as vacuous with bodies piled up high on the altar of reason, the oldest and longest surviving brain child of the Enlightenment, liberalism itself is now at the point of defeat. Now what? How to Beat the Meaning Crisis, Part 1, part 2

June 20, 2024 Creed and Culture: Enlightenment Ideals Aren't Working | Jonathan Pageau.

The return of religion had already been forecast by the Objectivist author, Leonard Peikoff in his book, "The DIM Hypothesis" (link). Being a Ayn-Randian Objectivist, Peikoff wrote this book from the atheist point of view, predicting a mental desert with people turning to all kinds of medieval tropes of being.

The following chart explains what happened historically in the fields of philosophy and the economy, as humanity moved progressively from Pre Modernity, to Modernity and Post Modernity. 

You could say we are at present in the post Post Modern phase. But without the perspective of history it is hard to say what the new prevailing conceptual framework is going to be.

In 'Christianity and the Satanic Assault on Easter" we already discussed that even staunch atheists who were laughing at Christians only a few years ago, are coming round to see moral sense in a theist world view (link), or more precisely, the view on the nature and being of mankind. 

Jan. 16, 2024 Jonathan Pageau: The Inevitable Fall of the Enlightenment - with Benjamin Boyce.

A child can understand that a person treats other human beings dramatically different, if you see man as a predatorial animal or as a kind of fallen angel that co-creates the universe with God. 

To Christians it is of course no mystery why man-made systems all end in disaster. We are after all fallen creatures.

We will have to see which way the wind will blow, although the persistent choices of our sociopathic overlords, combined with the onset of technocratic feudalism, may bring out the worst.

But then again Orthodox prophecies may come to pass (link). It would not be the first time in history that developments take a different turn.

The thinking in what's termed the 'political and philosophical right' is currently divided into two camps: those who came to the conclusion that man needs God and reject the entire Enlightenment project on the one hand, and on the other those who think Liberalism is the ultimate crown on Western civilization and definitely worth salvaging. 

I don't think it's going to happen. The problem is in liberalism itself, or more precisely, the mechanistic world approach. 

We have to credit Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet for this discovery. He wrote a book about it, titled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" (bookfinder). More in "Creation Is Not a Cuckoo Clock!" (link). 

It explains the apparent contradiction, that a philosophy that sought to liberate man has turned out to be another vehicle for tyranny. It always contained that kernel that leads to the utopian condition in which the moral ideal becomes so ennobled that it  legitimizes universal force. It is exactly what we see.

The liberal quest for equality has now brought us pride marches and abortion factories while opponents are being punished as criminals. The prisons in 'the land of the free and home of the brave' are filled with Biden's opponents.

In Greece, the first protester against a pride march  was arrested only last week in Thessaloniki. One wonders how long will it take for people to revolt against that? 

Arrested in Thessaloniki a while ago Mr. Nektarios Mikkios, a citizen who dared from @FOCUSFM1036 and his show @dstefanos to call for a protest against EuroPride in the courtyard of The Church of the Holy Wisdom. Orwellian dystopia is here.

How to Beat the Meaning Crisis, 
Part 1, part 2

- More Liberalism, atheism, Christianity


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