This blog is dealing with the aftermath of the meaning crisis, but whenever available we also dive into solutions. The process of demoralization to total nihilism is not a trend that started with 'wokeism', but is the work of centuries of pernicious ideas on a varying scale of malignity. We cannot expect to make this civilizational crash to be remedied overnight. Change through culture is a multi generational project, with no guarantee of success at the end of it. Breaking down is easy, building up is a much more cumbersome project. After part 1, which was a discussion of Orthodox icon carver, Jonathan Pageau with Father Andrew Stephen Damick, Pageau is this time trying to explain to a specimen of the modern man where we can start picking up the pieces. 

June 3, 2024 Aaron Alexander: Why Is The Idea of God So Important? | Jonathan Pageau | Align Podcast: Revisited.

Loosely related to issues raised in the debate is an expose by Jay Dyer on the fourth hour of He delves deep into the pagan Greek cult of the Eleusinian Mysteries. Given  that we are apparently entering into a new rendition of the psychedelic era, but this time without the certainties of the sixties and seventies, the issue needs to be revisited and stark warnings issued.

How to Beat the Meaning Crisis,
Part 1, part 3.

Bonus update: 

June 22, 2024 Jonathan Pageau: Where Darwinism Breaks Down with Dr. Stephen Meyer, director of the Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture in Seattle.

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