On the third commemoration of Mikis Theodorakis' death we remember his final concert at the Panathenaic Stadium in Athens in 2017. In a tribute to the legendary composer who died on September 2, 2021 (link) a stunning choir of a thousand choristers and a full symphonic orchestra, directed by Panagis Barbatis played some of Theodorakis’ famous songs. Over fifty thousand spectators filled the Panathenaic Stadium, the site of the first modern Olympic Games in Athens. Despite his advanced age and ill health, Theodorakis briefly took the stage. The legendary composer was visibly moved as he conducted his final piece.
June 20,2017 Spiros Haliotis: Theodorakis directing for the last time. More.
Theodorakis produced a staggering number of musical works, encompassing both oratoria and Greek folk music from which he drew most of his inspiration, making it famous the world over.
Purists, like music theorist Farya Faraji would argue that this is exactly the problem with modern Greek bouzouki music. Theodorakis and for example his colleague Stavros Xarchakos (IMDb) (link) have made far too many concessions to Western tastes. Watch Faraji's hilarious expose here. I call it Helletism.
But after giving this criticism some careful consideration, it must be said that most modern Greek music is a mix of oriental and occidental tropes. The basis is usually diatonic, interspersed with chromatic episodes. This makes a specific Greek blend that is also influenced by Orthodox values that appeal straight to the heart.
The criticism not withstanding, Theodorakis' legacy is not only one of the greatest composers of all time, but also that of a political visionary. Starting out as a Communist, in later years he tried to re-unite the Greek people regardless of their political affiliation. The civil war was an episode best forgotten as a historical mistake.
The piece Δοξαστικο (Ενωθειτε, Unite) comes to mind (second video at 41.35 mark). Theodorakis could stand as an example and a warning to today's cohort of politicians who are hell bent on war with anyone who disagrees with their radicalisms.
In other posts on this blog we refer to Greek poetry and lyrics as "the Cosmic Story" that is never meaningless or flat (link, link). It's not just Theodorakis who has the status of sheer royalty. In general composers, poets and lyricists are treated like demi gods in Greece. And rightly so, given that -- like God -- they have the ability to create ex nihilo.
A word on the technical side of the performance, a huge compliment for the directors is in order. Try getting a choir of a thousand choristers moving forward at these tempi anywhere in the world! Choirs are like the oil tankers of the musical world. They are immovable objects.
We have three versions for you to choose from: not so good, better and perfect.
Sep. 2, 2021 Greek Reporter: The Last Concert of Mikis Theodorakis.
The second recording has a view that is further out, but the sound quality is better.
Aug. 1, 2017 Studio Liapatis: "Όλη η Ελλάδα για τον Μίκη" -Panathenaic Stadium in Athens on June 19, 2017.
Lyrics are in the links, in English if available (for other languages check Lyrics Translate).
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