Alex Jones has posted a very important interview he had with former US naval intelligence officer, Jack Posobiec after the assassination attempt on Slovakia's PM Fico (pr. fitcho), who is thankfully in stable condition in hospital. In  the interview, which has subtitles that are a little weird at times, Jones and Posobiec, who is of Polish extraction, are putting present geopolitical developments in a light of, what may best be described as, the World War 3 option. While you may have the impression that things are winding down in Ukraine with NATO losing the war, there are clear signs that this may not be the case at all. On the contrary, in Europe, the UK, France and Germany continue to beat the drums of war, with Germany recently mentioning the draft and EU officials insisting on putting the union on an economic war footing. So let's see what evidence there is for a wider war.

Asymmetric warfare

With regular warfare out of reach for now, NATO has embarked on more asymmetrical attacks on Russia's civilians and civil infrastructure. These, by the way, are war crimes by the standards of the post World War 2 liberal rules based order. 

The warfare by proxy is slowly reaching the point where the Russians will call NATO out and start defining it a direct hot war, which in reality it already is. The attack on the Slovak Social Democrat Fico is just the beginning. The event also makes clear this is no traditional Left vs. Right dog fight anymore.

We hope with Poso that Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and Serbian President Vucic have top notch security, There have been reports that Fico's security detail stood aside as he got five bullets pumped into him. 

The 'blob'
As Jones and Poso are pointing out, 'the blob' (the US Foreign Policy and Security apparatus) have a certain mentality, a mindset that we have come to know very well. The good news is that they are very predictable.

If they see they're losing, they'll escalate. The New York Times is reporting the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff as saying that sending troops to Ukraine "is inevitable". This mission creep will be facilitated by a propaganda campaign that paints active participation as an obligation, while the 150,000 troops or so are disguised as advisors and trainers. 

And it is fairly typical for the mental make up to believe their own made-up narratives and justifications: they now all believe their own fake Russian domino doctrine as gospel. They assume everyone thinks like them. They make out the enemy, not as he is, but along the lines of their own biases. Hence the projection.

Woke ideology
It has also become clear, what the role is of woke ideology in the World War 3 scenario. It is of course, a form of cultural Marxism with a marketing update for the propaganda war aimed at demoralizing societies. But there's more to it.

For every revolution worth its salt these true believers are indispensable for acting as front groups in protests and pseudo revolutions against cultural majorities, for 'equal rights' and 'human rights' for the client groups in the LBTQ alphabet soup. 

Underneath the layers of fake and pseudo narratives, what we are really dealing with here, are extreme Leftists turned radical, neoliberal and neocon globalists using wokeism as ideological and cultural battering rams and crow bars against traditional Christians, Trump associates and MAGA voters. The lawfare and the  operations to turn political opponents into non persons, will continue.

US interests

As we have pointed out many times in this blog, the genesis of the war in Ukraine was not Russia's start of the Special Operation but lies further in the past, some ten years ago in the Maidan coup against the democratically elected leader of Ukraine, if not decades earlier! 

Apparently some technocrat in the Obama regime thought it was a great idea to have a NATO base on Crimea. But as Mike Benz has been explaining recently 'the blob' works for American interests, and those interests are primarily economic interests. Recently Benz posted this expose on X.

As Benz explained in our primer (
link), the US Foreign Policy and Security apparatus that was directed post World War 2 at the expansionist power of the Soviet Union, in 2016 turned on its heels and redirected itself against domestic political opponents. That has been extended to involvement in the EU and we may assume that asymmetrical ops like on North Stream and Fico are part of the effort. 

That the Color Revolution playbook like the Maidan coup is still being updated, we see currently playing out -- again -- in Georgia. Apparently it's  now totally democratic for a bunch of pro Western rent-a-mobsters to go agitating and demonstrating for 20,000 - I repeat, 20,000 NGOs in the country not to disclose their financial backers! This is a coordinated NATO attack. 

May 16, 2024 Alex Christoforou: 00:00 Blinken Clown World; 17:45 Ukraine wants NATO's budget; 25:30 UK: No ceasefire, attack on Crimea OK, Russia will retaliate; 29:30 Macron: Russia must not win, EU on war economy; 31:00 Pavel did not get the message, calls for peace; 32:20 Georgia Maidan vibes. 

Historically World War 3 is a continuation of the Cold War, with the poles being reversed. The empire of the West is now the expanding power while Russia and China (and the BRICS nations by extension) as the defenders of the sovereign nation state as envisioned by the framers of the Westphalian world order (Wiki) (joint Russian/China statement concluding recent visit of President Putin to China against hegemonism of any kind).

As Poso explained, we have two choices. Either the West is accepting  economic cooperation in a bipolar world order with the BRICS nations. The second option is, going to war with them. This is not their fault. They were sitting there minding their own business as the West proclaimed hegemony and the end of history in a unipolar liberal world order that nobody in his right mind ever wanted. 

The worst of all this is, that this predicament would never have happened if Biden had not stolen the 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. All the bloodshed and destruction would have been avoided. Biden and his lawless blob war machine are illegitimate usurpers. 

The eternal reservoir (link)
As Poso is pointing out these people are coming from a flat, materialist world view in which nothing has any meaning beyond what it means for them amassing power. We are essentially reverting to the pre Christian pagan mindset in which might makes right. Direct anti Christian propaganda are now officially part of Biden's foreign policy.

Previously posted on the Ukraine war:
* Why Russia will never accept more NATO expansion (link)
* Democrat tied corporations are ruling Ukraine (link)
* The Russians want only one thing: that Ukraine remains a neutral buffer state (link)

Update The Presser given by President Putin upon the conclusion of his visit to China is imperative watching for everyone in the West. 

- More on Russia, Ukraine, NATO, the blob


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