Mike Benz, is the Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website). He has made it his business to dive deep into the US Security State's machinations that threaten our God given Rights in cyber space. Benz is a walking encyclopedia on the subject. Benz explains in a second shocking interview with Tucker Carlson, that the freedom of speech as laid down in Article 1 of the US Constitution, has been the subject of state craft to help dissident groups around the world subvert authoritarian state control over media, from day one of privatization of the Internet in 1991. This  turbo charged the work of the CIA, the State Department, embassies abroad and the National Endowment for Democracy. But with National Populist governments and movements rising around the world against globalist, US national and economic interests, the state craft institutions turned on their heels and directed themselves against National Populists. Carlson had an earlier interview with Mike Benz on Feb. 16, 2024. Read and watch it here

Aug. 29, 2024 TCN - Mike Benz: The Real Reason for Pavel Durov’s Arrest, and the Deep State’s Plan to Control Our Speech.


00:00 Get Tickets at TuckerCarlson.com

01:20 Who Was Involved in Pavel Durov’s Arrest?
The House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee controlled by Republicans should be asking questions about the communications in the back channels of the US Embassy in France. After the interview Benz posts he shall be reporting to the Subcommittee Aug. 30 (link). The creation of one-party states in the name of 'democracy' has been normal practice in US state craft even years before 2016. 

15:50 How Telegram Is Used by the CIA 
Benz mentions the machinations against Brazil as an example. Benz recounts how the State Dept used Telegram channels to manage Color Revolutions. They want to take control of the app so that it can no longer take a 'neutral' stance. He stresses that censorship is not some domestic issue, it "came to the US and has been exported around the world because free speech is a casualty of a proxy war of the blob against populism". It is concentrated in the State Dept, the intel services, the Pentagon, USAID and the soft power swarm army of our NGOs and civil society institutions. The strategic goal has been for a long time, operation seize Eurasia that has 75 trillion dollars worth of minerals in its territory, 14 trillion of which in Ukraine alone. After  the fall of Communism in 1990 the US and its allies embarked on this strategic goal. The attack on Nord Stream in this context was no surprise. The same goes for the minerals in Africa where Russia is also the opponent of US and French strategies. 
Back to Telegram, the blob suspects Durov has allowed Russia to back channel the platform and therefore wants to take control. They think the platform has been compromised and that this is the reason Ukraine is losing the war. The interests involved in this are huge. This alone explains the actions taken against Durov. 
'Open Society' means the free penetration of US state craft in foreign states. Freedom of speech was allowed as long as the US was winning. The issue is that since 2014 -- the Maidan revolution in Ukraine -- this is no longer the case. Their posture is now, war against populism. This shows this is not about principles of any kind. It is pragmatism in action. Censoring of free speech is entirely contingent on who is in power, a NATO approved globalist or a National Populist.

27:22 Domestic Policy Doesn’t Exist 
Carlson points out that US foreign policy seems to drive US domestic policy. Benz agrees, since every country's domestic policy is another country's foreign policy. Benz explains how that works. US national interests are basically its economic interests, or the interests of the American industry. The Global Engagement Center is the State Dept's censoring coordinator. When Donald Trump got into power in 2016/7 they turned on their heels, and domestic free speech absolutism made place for censoring. Free speech on the Internet was blamed for so many 'wrong' election outcomes across the world. A new tool was added to the diplomacy tool kit, getting foreign governments to pass censorship laws to stop the rise of populist movements. 

34:19 The Redefining of Democracy 
At the start they were well aware of the evil they were committing, but they justified it by redefining the concept of democracy. It now means, the consensus of the institutions of government rather than the consent of the people. They thought up a concept that would not act top down as is the case in Russia or China, but that has the appearance of being an organic grassroots action. They called it 'the whole of society framework'. It's astroturf, but it looks like it is bottom up action arising from the people. It worked, until Elon Musk burst their bubble by buying Twitter and a faction in the Republican party started paying attention to censoring in 2022. 

39:21 The Biggest Threat to NATO 
They argued that free speech on the Internet is NATO's biggest threat because it leads to National Populists winning power all over the globe. Democracy was redefined as supporting US aligned institutions.

44:16 What Is DARPA? 
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is the civilian arm of DARPA, the Pentagon's brain. DARPA invented the Internet, cell phones, GPS as well as encryption technologies that started originally as military technology. Much of its work is farmed out to US universities. Funding goes through the NSF. The NSF has two major domestic censorship programs, one of which is to crack down on 'misinformation' about democratic institutions, like criticism of the media. These State Dept censorship laws now exist in 140 (!) countries around the world and they do so in the name of media literacy, media resilience, the virality project or other Orwellian labels put over them. Fact checkers were also their project, but this tactic were finally rejected too cumbersome. 
The Pavel Durov arrest in France is a major diplomatic event with far reaching implications for US social media platforms. If he is found legally responsible for content on his app, there's no reason why all other CEOs can't be held for 20 years in French prisons as well. Given how critical Telegram is to US interests and state craft given that in 20 countries it is the CIA's main artery for staging Color Revolutions, it is impossible they did not agree to the investigation and subsequent arrest in France.

1:02:53 WhatsApp and the Facebook Files 
They did the same to Meta's messenger service, Whatsapp in Brazil and India where Bolsonaro and Modi were elected into power when they had already booted their opponents from other social media platforms. Facebook is much more vulnerable than Telegram. That's why Zuckerberg is now at his wit's end because they gave in to all the government's demands and still they being bullied. Zuckerberg's mea culpa letter to Jim Jordan must be seen in this light.
For a Supreme Court case on government censoring the letter came too late. 
This policy is an inversion of the original intent; it favors institutions over individuals and deprives Americans of freedom. 
We need to know what the communications were with the US Embassy in Paris and its back channels. 

1:13:34 Does Putin Have a Back Door to Telegram?
The implications are seismic if Telegram is indeed compromised since 2021, voluntarily or not, and this is seen as the reason why recent interventions in Russia and Belarus have failed and the war in Ukraine is going so badly.
Carlson remarks that this unrealistic, childish lack of self awareness is what makes empires fall. It's staggering in its simplicity.
Benz: Yes, but think of the windfall of Durov falling into their lap, since all Russian communications are running over Telegram. If they can get Durov to crack, all Russian civilian and military communications of the last five years will fall into the hands of the CIA. Since Ukrainians are dying in this war, free speech is a small price to pay, in their logic. 

1:19:12 The Red Lines Memo to Zelensky 
What Ukrainians think is actually irrelevant. Their rights have been trampled on since they were taken over in 2014. There is this Red Lines Memo of the US aligned Ukraine Crisis Media Group, essentially threatening Zelensky that if he were to cross these policy red lines, from cultural to economic issues, the country would be subject to destabilization. In other words, he would be toppled by the same Color Revolution that ousted the former government. 
France has its own reasons for going after Durov i.c. the Russians because they are encouraging fourteen French former colonies in Africa to dismiss French interests there. French influence in Africa is diminishing by the day. Hence Macron's frantic moves against Russia. 

1:28:09 The Real Motive Behind Durov’s Arrest 
France and the US are finally getting some leverage over Telegram that is the basis of all Russian communications. But there's a big chance this will blow back on the US. The Atlantic Council, NATO's think tank and civilian influence arm, on the board of which sit seven former CIA directors, is funded by eleven different US government agencies. In March 2018 they published a set of white papers called Democratic Defense Against Disinformation (link) calling for a 'whole of society playbook'. The cover referred to a data leak campaign by Wikileaks picked up by social media influencer Jack Posobiec targeting French president Macron's election campaign against Marine Le Pen. That was considered an attack on democracy in the new definition. Which led them to target a US citizen for amplifying publicly available documents and helping a NATO preferred French puppet to win elections.
They are doing to National Populists what they used to do to Communists, that's the essence of it. As in the military they have devised an entire set of concepts and abstractions that have taken the human element out of censorship. They don't refer to targets as citizens as people, but as 'cyber threat actors'. Your posts are 'incidents'. No wonder these people are drunk on power. And all these partners in the censorship industry make money on the tax payer's dime. They've created a mutual dependency between government agencies and private sector actors in the tech sector. 

1:43:51 The Deep State vs. Donald Trump 
Benz explains why commercial interests of the Chamber of Commence turned against Trump's National Populist policies. And how the American energy sector got involved and entangled in  the Ukrainian public and private gas industry, concentrated in the Donbas and Crimea. No one apparently expected Project Ukraine to go sideways. Commercial interests are driving the State Dept's actions in Ukraine. So here we see how nationalism becomes a threat to globalism i.e. to multi national corporations, as they are using the power of government as a battering ram to defend their corporate interests. 

1:50:46 Will They Take Out Elon Musk Next? 
After Durov's arrest, the first thought is, is Elon Musk next? Benz: the 'whole of society' playbook depends on carrots and sticks. An important part are the advertisement boycotts. But Elon is uniquely more isolated against these tactics than Facebook. In 2019 Zuckerberg said censoring had gone too far, but was then hit with a boycott called #changetheterms, forcing him to ban Trump supporters and other opponents resulting in a huge loss for Facebook. So Zuckerberg buckled. The initiators were ADL and Color of Change, but they were soon joined by US Government intermediaries. Nominally they cited 'hate speech' as the reason, but that included opponents of open borders and Exit EU proponents. The State Dept needs Elon Musk's properties. They don't care about Durov, they care about Telegram. But to control it, you need to control the personnel. What they want with Musk, is not to take him out. They want corporate regime change or for Musk to play ball. They allowed the acquisition of Twitter because they assumed he would play ball as everyone else. Tesla and SpaceX are critical companies for US state craft. They depend upon SpaceX for satellites and Tesla is important in the green energy industry. One of the writers for the National Endowment for Democracy wrote a few months ago that Elon Musk is a greater national security threat than Russia because his impact on politics in allowing political opponents to rise, causing changes in government that are more likely to make the US lose the war on Russia, more than Russia itself.
NATO publicly called for a 'death by a thousand paper cuts' strategy against Musk and this is what we're seeing.
Asked by Carlson if X will stay open in the US throughout the elections, Benz answers yes, but the pressure on foreign governments will intensify until everyone is censored that the State Dept wants censored.
The EU Digital Services Act (DSA) is the greatest threat to Musk. The law goes beyond hate speech policy. It requires all social media platforms to do disinformation compliance.
The US censorship industry held a conference, issuing a consensus memo that hundreds of these people co-signed. Then they did a live stream in which they said the DSA would force Musk to re-hire all the censors he fired, if he does not want to lose X's participation in the EU, which is a larger market than the US. It's existential for X.
The question is, will the State Dept defend US interests against the EU? The answer is no, because they have been the ones instigating the DSA in the first place. 

2:04:27 Would Benz Join a Trump Administration?
Benz' purpose in life is combating censorship. It can still be rooted out. If I can help doing that in some capacity, that is fine with me. A post as free speech ambassador would be great. 

After the interview Mike Benz posted a number of tweets in relation to issues discussed. 

    Here's the latest on situation in Brazil (link)

Carlson had an earlier interview with Mike Benz on Feb. 16, 2024. Read and watch it here

More on the Foundation for Freedom Online website or on Benz' personal account on X, @MikeBenzCyber

 - More on the national security statecensoring - 


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