It's often said that conversions to the Eastern Orthodox Church is surging in the West. The most recent news came from Germany, but the uptick was almost entirely on account of cradle Orthodox migrating to Germany.  In a previous video Father Andrew Stephen Damick discussed some anecdotal evidence that there is indeed an Orthodox convert surge in the United States. But is it real? And is it true that there is a big spike in young men converting? Does the form of reception (baptism vs. chrismation only) make a difference in long-term engagement? 

Aug. 8, 2024 Father Andrew Stephen Damick: The Orthodox Convert Surge - Hard Facts.

In his latest video Father Andrew is talking to Matthew Namee, Executive Director of the Orthodox Studies Institute (, about a new study which tracked Orthodox converts in the US from 2013-2023.

You can find and download the three part studies here. Register here for Father Stephen De Young's course on the Book of Enoch.

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