Things are not going well for the causes of freedom in today's world, dominated by globalist empire builders whose Pretorian Guard called the 'blob' is there to protect its interests. Worst of all, they do so on behalf of 'democracy', after having changed its definition to mean, globalist institutions. When words are mere conventions, definitions can be exchanged freely without anyone particularly noticing, unless you are looking for it. Last night we were confronted with the latest attack on the uncontrolled flow of information with the Franks acting on behalf of the US blob arresting CEO and founder of encrypted messaging app, Telegram Pavel Durov, who happens to be of Russian origin. He runs his business from Dubai and ironically was awarded French honorary citizenship for his work defending the cause of Liberty. A more perfect image of today's world is hardly imaginable. 

TCN: Tucker EP.94 with Pavel Durov of Telegram.

The two latest updates are reactions from Rumble CEO Chris Pavlovski and of Benz relaying messages posted by CIA cut-out Bellingcat, bragging about the utility of arresting Durov for being able to control Telegram’s use to win the military war on Russia. These people are close to insane. In any case they live divorced from reality. We live in dangerous times! 


Aug. 25, 2024


We have a bit of an update. Alex Christoforou is reporting that for some years Telegram was also successfully operating a crypto coin called Ton. His arrest may well have been prompted by this alone or a combination thereof. 

Aug. 25, 2024 Alex Christoforou: Telegram Durov arrested as plane lands in France. Zakharova, NGO hypocrisy. Starmer Ukraine video.

According to Christoforou Telegram's encryption was that great that the blob would require Durov's cooperation to gain access. So the coin and/or submission to the censors may be the point. |



Some time ago Tucker Carlson interviewed Pavel Durov. The weird thing about the situation is, that it is almost as if Durov had himself arrested as part of a plan. He knew what was going to happen when he set foot in France. There may be more to this then can be gleaned at this stage. The legal basis of all this misery is the recent European censorship law, the so-called Digital Services Act (link). 

Pavel Durov has been presented to an investigating judge on Saturday evening before a possible indictment on Sunday for a multitude of offenses committed by others on his platform, such as terrorism, narcotics, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, pedo criminal content and more of such judicial monsters. 

It's all very reminiscent of the Tate brothers. They just lump a number of trumped up charges together and by the time the lawyers have it sorted, the accused have been in jail for three years. Just ask the January 6 political prisoners in the US! The process is the punishment. 

@DeFiDefenseLaw reported the finer details on X:

"BREAKING: Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of Telegram, arrested in France on Aug 24, 2024. French authorities cite lack of platform moderation, alleging Telegram enables criminal activities. This marks a significant escalation in the tech regulation landscape. #DurovArrest

"The arrest echoes the 2023 detention of Roman Storm, co-founder of Tornado Cash, a crypto mixer. Both cases highlight a growing trend: holding tech creators personally accountable for how users leverage their platforms. #TechLiability

"Key similarities: Both Telegram and Tornado Cash prioritize user privacy, putting them at odds with law enforcement. Both arrests involve cross-border elements, raising questions about jurisdiction in the digital age.

"Key differences: Although Telegram is a general messaging app with 900M users, it does integrate a native token and blockchain tech. Tornado Cash is a niche crypto tool. Durov's case focuses on content moderation, while Storm's centered on alleged money laundering facilitation.

"These arrests signal a potential chilling effect on innovation, especially for privacy-focused tech. Developers and executives may hesitate to create or manage platforms that could be deemed liable for user actions. #DigitalPrivacy

"The tech industry faces a critical juncture: balancing innovation, user privacy, and law enforcement needs. These cases may reshape how digital platforms operate globally and how governments approach tech regulation. #TechRegulation

"As this story develops, watch for: industry responses, potential changes in platform policies, and discussions about international digital governance. The future of online privacy and free speech may hang in the balance. #DigitalRights #Telegram @telegram (link)  

The man who has been informing us all the way about the blob's censoring infrastructure is Mike Benz, Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website). If you are not aware of his work, please read the primer first. 

Benz has been filling us in while waiting at the airport for a delayed flight home about the news of Durov's arrest (X Space). 

He is a little disappointed with the lengths and depths of dissemination his revelations took into the National Populist cyberspace. He feels he is on the clock too and might be 'removed' from his position of influence quite soon. Which sounds conspiratorial, but is entire thinkable given we are now like two months away from the all important US presidential election. Benz writes:

"Look can I be real I need you guys to learn all this at a much much faster rate than you currently are because they’re prolly gonna take me out at some point and you might not gonna have forever to learn this from me (link)"

Here the central part in the Tucker Carlson interview with Pavel Durov:

Here are the folks involved in censoring your speech and what they consider to be misinformation! 

Read the thread in a Threadreader page!

Here's what happens when you cooperate with the censoring apparatus:

Mike Benz continues his heartfelt expose from the airport in an X space. 

Part of the primer , Mike Benz explains what he calls the 'transatlantic flank attack' of which we are now witnessing part 2.0.

More news and comments on Durov's arrest:

And in case you may be wondering what is happening in France since Macron lost the elections, here's the political background.

Read in a Threadreader page

- More on France, Mike Benz, censoring, the blob


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