We reported earlier on the resignation of the architect of Project Ukraine, Victoria Nuland (link) from her job as Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs from the State Dept. Yesterday Stcve Bannon had an in-depth discussion with Dr Darren Beattie, who wrote the primer on Color Revolutions, a playbook Nuland followed to trigger the Euro Maidan crisis back in 2013/4. It dovetails perfectly with a now viral interview Tucker Carlson had with Mike Benz, Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website) and an expert on deep state corruption (link).
March 14, 2024 War Room: Darren Beattie Discusses Victoria Nuland's Ousting.
Benz relates how a powerful, foreign policy blob consisting of elements from NATO, the Pentagon, the State Dept., DHS, the Atlantic Council, the CIA and a number of other cut-outs and (non) state institutions, found themselves with a 'special skill set', but without of a job when Donald Trump won the 2016 election instead of Hillary Clinton.
The specially skilled blob illegally pivoted on a dime from the foreign to the domestic predicate, turning against the Trump administration thereby fundamentally changing the nature of American governance.
Beattie explains what the blob's special skill set consists of, how it is deployed around the world, triggering color revolutions, regime changes, coups and mayhem in Eastern Europe and across the Middle East.
Beattie also answers the question why the globalists are so hell bent on protecting Ukraine? What are they hiding in Ukraine? What is with this obsession and their visceral hatred of Russia. It tallies with the assessment of analyst Jim Rickards:
The Western Left of the past has become the globalist elite of the present. They liked the Russia of President Yeltsin where chaos reigned. Not only was Bill Clinton able to manipulate the notoriously drunk President, they could exploit the capitalist Wild West of Yeltsin Russia, looting it from its wealth and resources. This is how they like Russia. No wonder they hate President Putin who is what we now call, Russia First" (
Beattie remarks that while Russia was stabilized by President Putin, Ukraine to a large extent has remained the "Wild West" that can easily be controlled and exploited as a proper vassal state.
Ukraine is the perfect outpost for a corrupt ruling elite. In the nineties under Yeltsin they thought to have cooked Russia's goose. After Putin took over he prevented them from completing their task of destroying Russia. They have never forgiven Putin for this loss.
Beattie nails the psychology of the neocons, whose extraction can often be traced back to dissenting communists from the same region. In Nuland's case to Trotskyites from Bessarabia. Other neocons, like Kristol, Podhoretz and Kagan are inadequate sons of serious intellectuals, retaining the status while unable to live up to their fathers' academic standards.
In part 2 of the interview Beattie goes into Nuland's husband. Where Victoria specialized in the 'soft power' of Color Revolutions, Robert Kagan is the architect of George Bush's invasion of Iraq, another blatant enormity of the neocon blob.
March 15, 2024 War Room: Darren Beattie Explains Who Victoria Nuland's Husband Is And Why He's So Dangerous.
On the Ides of March it's only appropriate to remember Kagan's moral case for the assassination of Donald Trump in the Washington Post in a January op-ed (paywall, meta item in
Daily Mail).
People often wonder where the childish ad hominem attacks by the Left are coming from; Kagan's op-ed explains exactly how attacks -- like racist! enayzeeyes! homophobe! -- are not stupid at all, but on the contrary, are very, very dangerous indeed.
Because their objective is to groom their orcs into the moral mindset that the opponent is so sub human, so evil, that any means are allowed to destroy them, according to the utopian 'aim justifies the means' imperative.
External reading
Revolver News: Victoria’s Secret: The Humiliating Inside Story Behind the Ouster of the Deep State’s Favorite Color Revolution Architect
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