Ever since Tucker Carlson travelled to Russia, speculation has been rife if he was going to be granted an interview with President Putin. It soon became apparent that he was. The collective Western media had a complete melt-down. Some of our psychopathic overlords called for Carlson to be punished with a travel ban, like Mr Hardcore Neoliberal in the European Parliament, former Belgian PM Guy Verhofstadt. Anyway, it could not be more apparent who are the real fascists. The interview, when it dropped, turned out to be an education for most, and a subject for the memory-hole, for the rest of us.

Feb. 8, 2024 Tucker Carlson: The Vladimir Putin Interview. 

An awful lot can be said about the interview. You hardly know where to start. Many pundits commented on the low hanging fruit, but precious few are offering larger perspectives. However, there are a few contributions worth mentioning.

Let's start with Andrew Tate. It may have escaped the Western elites who take the adversarial approach to everything, but Putin never badmouthed the West. He stayed polite throughout the interview. Tate's particular point is, that President Putin could well have demolished the West with references to the social plague that is terrorizing entire populations by way of their own Governments.

I am of course talking about what is collectively referred to as 'wokeism'. The economic and geopolitical side of this cancer is called globalism. In the final analysis it is just the latest iteration of liberalism (or the so-called Enlightenment, if you will). Jay Dyer has more on this later on in this post and we shall see that how perfectly the puzzle falls in place. 

But Putin did not mention any of that, whereas it is well known he is vehemently opposed to these developments in Russia, to the point of passing laws to prevent it. Tate offers an explanation well worth considering, quoting Napoleon Bonaparte: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake."

The second commentator worth mentioning is James Rickards. On the War Room with Steve Bannon, when asked to clarify the pseudo contradiction that the Western Left historically always defended the Soviet Union, but hates post Soviet Russia of Vladimir Putin with a vengeance, Rickards has a simple explanation.

The Western Left of the past has become the globalist elite of the present. They liked the Russia of President Yeltsin where chaos reigned. Not only was Bill Clinton able to manipulate the notoriously drunk President, they could exploit the capitalist Wild West of Yeltsin Russia, looting it from its wealth and resources. This is how they like Russia. No wonder they hate President Putin who is what we now call, Russia First. 

Of course Putin is bitter and disappointed that the West in the end rejected Russia. In a previous posting not so long ago we have set out our own theory why the West historically has always hated the East (link). Envy of the East is in the Germanic cultural DNA. 

Feb. 9, 2024 War Room: James Rickards Explains The Three Russia’s Of The Last 50 Years. Part 2.

Several aspects Putin mentioned will pass the average Westerner by as a matter of course, simply because it is outside of their conceptual framework. Liberalism is not just an ideology of 'free thinkers' with the sole moral imperative to maximize freedom based on equality. It is much more utopian than the average liberal knows. 
Liberalism poses certain premises as self evident, as universal and eternal truths, but which are in fact, ideology, not reality. One of those is that there is no relation between ethnicity and soil. Which is why it is so easy for them to uproot entire populations and dislocating them elsewhere; or simply abolish a fundamental economic activity, like farming.

By the same token, they deem history irrelevant. It may have shocked quite a few liberals in the West that Putin started his interview off with half an hour of history schooling. It may be irrelevant to the West, but it is not to countries with a history exceeding three centuries! 

It is no wonder liberals will resort to despotism to realize their goals: it's part of  the psychology that their ends are so noble, that any means are justified to realize it. That's why all Utopias, without exception, are built on the skeletons of millions of victims. 

The third pundit is Alex Christoforou. Ethnically, historically and culturally there is no difference between Russians and Ukrainians. At some point in the future these brothers will re-unite, in his opinion. What will bring them together is the Orthodox faith (at 14:50 mark). 

Feb. 9, 2024 Alex Christoforou: Putin and Tucker. Biden, Sisi President of Mexico. Zaluzhny finally fired. Elensky goes with Syrsky.

But there are two conditions. The uncanonical, new church of Ukraine is a political construct of the CIA that has nothing to do with religion. The canonical, Ukrainian Orthodox Church must be restored. The second consideration is, that the liberal secularization of Ukraine may have advanced to such an extent, they may not be able to find their way back to God. 

Orthodox expert on the New World Order, Jay Dyer is pointing to the roots of the issue on the Alex Jones Show. Dyer sees a direct line of Neo Platonism and Gnosticism taking root in East and West alike through Masonic Lodges, via the Jewish mason, Spinoza who codified for the first time subjective morality by embedding it in Classical Liberal theory, to present day developments all over the globe. 

Carlson and Putin touched upon a myriad of topics, chief of which were the economic terrorism and the sabotage of the Nord Stream gas pipe line, information warfare, Nazis in Canada and Ukraine, BRICS and de-dollarization, Color Revolutions and the CIA, the Minsk Agreements and their sabotage by the West, and the broken NATO promises. Nevertheless Putin seems willing to restore relations with the West and resume gas deliveries, should the West be so inclined.

External reading

- More on Russia
