Time for an update on globalism as Tucker Carlson emerged from his interview with President Putin on a confab in Dubai, which is apparently not new, but was recently renamed World Governments Summit in order to stay politically correct. So let's see what's on our incomprehensive short list: the G7, the G20, Bilderberg, the Munich Security Conference (video: Did Qatar Buy Out the Munich Security Conference?), the various summits under auspices of the UN, like the COP Climate Change conferences, Delphi, the World Economic Forum, annual something in Aspen or other, the meeting calendar of the European Union can't even be contained in this post so we attach it here, and now we have the World Governments Summit 2024 (it's in your face now) in Dubai to contend with. Is it any wonder these folks feel more loyalty towards each other than they do towards the people who vote for them? 

Feb. 13, 2024 War Room - Schweikart: Globalism Has Infiltrated Every Level | Read A Patriot's History Of Globalism Today.

Attached at the hip, going to the same schools and unis together, marrying each others sisters and all employed in the same public/private revolving door. And the members of this click are controlling each other by leveraging improprieties. That's the global, postmodern oligarchy for you! 

They do much of their jetting and champagning on the tax payer's dime. Or consumers are paying the price. None of their lunches are free of course. Here's Tucker at the annual Dubai confab talking truth to power.

Feb. 14, 2024 War Room: Joe Allen Forewarns Of Transhumanists Creating Techno-Religion.

As Schweikart explains in his new book "A Patriot's History of Globalism" (link), the idea had its genesis at least two hundred years ago. Actually, it may be much, much older if you include the ancient universalist empires and the Roman church that is still being run along that principle. 

Dr. Coleman's revelation about the Committee of 300 only dates back to the 1990s (link). He discovered its existence by chance. The C300 is a powerful group that was founded by the British aristocracy in 1727 and controls the world through immense wealth and control over top institutions. So, all this is nothing new.

Of course the globalist movement consists of various strains, covering different aspects and ranges of attack. Climate and transhumanism are but the latest iterations. One of the classical groups is the Fabian Society (link), a socialist confab dating back to 1884. Tweex _Esc has tweexed an entire thread of fascinating Fabian literature over the years. Read in a threadreader page

Jay Dyer is the main expert on the subject of the history of globalism, deep state propaganda and the New World Order. Here's a video Dyer himself considers self-explanatory for the entire field.

Dec. 9, 2023 Jay Dyer: WATCH THIS and You Will Understand the ENTIRE PLAN AGAINST US!  With De Anna Lorraine.

Feb. 15, 2023 Neil Oliver: Neil Oliver: ‘World domination & a terrifying ‘what if’!!!

- More on Globalism
