It is an issue for psychiatrists, but countries and cultures are not individuals. You can't put them on a couch and fathom their deepest thoughts and emotions. But there is definitely something in the Western European psyche that makes them hate Eastern Europeans. In fact, for months now we have been working on a lengthy essay on the issue that may never see the light of day due to the sheer weight of the evidence. In the article we are making the case that through the last two millennia of history the West has been envious of the East, where culture was thriving at a time when Western Rome was sacked by barbarian Germanic tribes in animal skins. Ever since they have been hating on the East. This week, we saw a ripe example of this vindictiveness played out in the European Parliament.
Η βασιλοβαφτιστήρα γαλαζαία αλλαζών πήγε να απαντήσει σε ερώτηση που, όχι μόνον αμφιβάλλω αν αντιλήφθηκε, αλλά ήταν εκπληκτικά εύστοχη όσο και απλή: «μπορείτε στην 🇬🇷 να φανταστείτε πολιτικούς που κάνουν κάτι από όραμα (κι όχι από συμφέρον)»;Η συνέχεια:pic.twitter.com/e7mM362uhd— Panagiotis G. Pavlos (@PGPavlos) January 18, 2024
"The European Parliament voted in favor of a resolution on liberties, equality and dignity threatened in Greece. The European Parliament’s report raised concerns about media freedom, corruption and individual liberties (...) it was highlighted that the EU is to ensure the rights of women, children, LGBTI+ and vulnerable people. At the same time, the report made special recommendations for Hungary, Poland, Greece, Cyprus and Spain (more on Keep Talking Greece).
You have to ask yourself, what the hell is wrong with these people? Greece has a thriving media landscape in which all points of view are put across. It is more diverse than say, the Netherlands where all MSM newspapers without exception, belong to one single owner.
The Greek Government is trying to push through a gay marriage bill (on which we are reporting extensively: link), an issue clearly instigated by Brussels. To realize his goal the PM is performing a political ambush as we speak. Perhaps the idea is to provide the bill with some European support. If so, it is probably back-firing already.
At one point in her sorry career one could expect some reaction from Sophie in 't Veld @Sophieintveld, but not any longer. So we shall have to do our own research into what is aggravating the MEP to such a great extent. Possibly the breakdown of Eastern European societies doesn't go fast enough to her radical liberal party's taste.
The psychology of Western Europe is stunning. As their own countries are morally and culturally collapsing, they come whining about the imagined inequities in the East. So the bird brains in the European Parliament adopt a resolution critical of Greece and other Eastern EU member states.
When a Greek MEP is standing up to defend her country, she is accused of not having 'vision', but only serving (national) interests. In other words she is accused of being too patriotic, and that is exactly what they hate the most. These politicians are not just traitors to their country, but also to their own voters. But 'democracy....'!
For years they have been attacking Poland and Hungary for rejecting their open borders racket. Or they pick a political row over the judiciary, pushing to fill the Courts with sympathetic, liberal judges doing their bidding. All in the name of 'democratic values', of course.
🇪🇺🇭🇺‼️Hungary cannot be blackmailed!“There is not enough money in the world to force us to accept mass migration and to put our children in the hands of LGBTQ activists.“— Orban pic.twitter.com/krRUo7YlTk— Lord Bebo (@MyLordBebo) January 19, 2024
President of Hungary, Katalin Novák September last year:"The pro-family approach should be a national minimum!"https://t.co/XAYOTdS2tgPM Victor Orban last week as a response to the EU: see the tweet below this one https://t.co/FvbKrXai8C pic.twitter.com/w28WsN8f13— Timothy Robert (@timingnl) January 20, 2024
Let's keep in mind that changing societies is not the job of politicians. They are supposed to represent their voters' wishes; not foisting their personal values on other people's societies.
Cultures belongs to its people. The EU Parliament is not just overstepping its sphere of influence; it is violating a social code that is not theirs to begin with (more in Secular Law, Common Culture and Personal Liberty link).
And here we are at the root why liberalism, which started as a movement for the rights of individuals, has become a national tyranny and now an international hazard for everyone's individual rights.
- More on Greece, the European Parliament -
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