If there is one thing  prominent in the German cultural DNA, it is the German adversity to change. Somehow they have learnt through history that change can easily lead us off the slippery slope to perfidy. And so they tolerated the policies of Angela Merkel who secretly airlifted thousands and thousands of Muslim migrants into the country by the cover of night. They tolerated the suicidal policies of the present Green, Socialist and Liberal coalition that sought the confrontation with Russia, lumbering the country with sanctions on Russia that hit the sanctioning countries worse than the sanctioned. They even tolerated that the country's lifeline to cheap, Russia gas was blown up in an act of war (more on Nord Stream sabotage). All that finally led to the de-industrialization of Germany. They withstood it all. It explains why the current farmers protest is such a big deal. When they signal that enough is enough, you can be sure that the war of global elites on this national population has reached breaking point. The German farmers are getting help from their colleagues in Poland and The Netherlands and German truckers. 

CRUX live stream. 

Germans are scared to death for instability. When something like this happens there, you know we're close to breaking point. 


Jan. 8, 2024 Alex Christoforou with more news from Germany (from 6:00 mark). 

- More on Germany -

