In an earlier posting on Aug. 27 on "C-flue* Protocol Season Starting Sep. 15" (link) we predicted a new attempt by the globalist medical industrial complex to spread another pandemic scare in order to increase its hold on societies. So far, their attempts have been sketchy and local. Of course we don't get to hear anything via the official channels or the media, except reports on the increase of hospital statistics. But now and then we learn via the alternative news outlets why the medical industrial complex can't take too much risk. We give you two recent findings from the Naomi Wolf volunteer group on On Oct. 24 Naomi appeared on War Room with news that is going to be a gamechanger for the victims of vaccination damage. 

*We use C-flue as our code name for the plandemic in order to avoid deletion by the Google censors (link). 

Oct. 24, 2023 War Room: Naomi Wolf Joins WarRoom To Discuss Vaccines Which Are Now Shown To Contain SV40. Update.

Process type 2 of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines have been found to be contaminated with a carcinogenic DNA fragment, SV40 and remarkably, with e.coli. The manufacturers omitted to inform the Canadian and American authorities, hiding the contamination in a trade loophole. Since there has been a fraudulent production, this means the manufacturers of the faulty product can be sued for damages. (More on DailyClout). 

A week ago Naomi Wolf reported on a case of collusion coming to light between the White House Communications Team and the various health care agencies, in an attempt to cover up the strong association of the vaccines with myocarditis, especially in young men. 

Oct. 19, 2023 War Room: Dr. Naomi Wolf: "The White House Comms Team was freaking out at the highest levels".

Notable is that according to Wolf, Assistant Secretary for Health and Human Services (HHS), Admiral Dr. Rachel Lavine appears to be the spider in the web of the cover up, with the personal knowledge of Joe Biden. 

Admiral Rachel Lavine in the photo on the left. 

Basically there is a conspiracy with the health care agencies directed by the White House to cover up the evidence of heart damage risks. (More on DailyClout). 

Oct. 26, 2023 Glenn Beck: EXPOSED: What the Deep State Got Away With While You Weren’t Looking | Ep 314.

Last night's Glenn Beck Special opened with our first subject on the contamination of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. He continues with an expose on the history of the medical industrial complex. 

In The Netherlands, an early bulwark of Government Healthcare with year on year rising costs that nobody quite understands, someone is posting that the risk of myocarditis is reported in the documentation of the vaccine. But no one has bothered to inform the public. 

Translation: The package leaflet of #Pfizer states that the Covid vaccine increases the risk of, among other things, of myocarditis (an inflamed pericardium, possibly resulting in serious injury or death), especially in young people (and especially boys). But here young peope, who had/have NOTHING to fear from Covid, were almost forced to take a shot anyway, otherwise they would not be allowed to enter McDonald's. For heaven's sake, introduce a parliamentary inquiry. Corona measures (and that vaccine) solved little, but often caused a lot of damage. 

An alternative news outlet is reporting on the evidence of cancer risks! 

Translation: Increasing cancer patients due to mRNA vaccines? What is the link between the corona vaccines and an increase in cancer among young people? Watch ➡️

Here's the unbelievable reaction from an official medical association:

Translation: Do the people here know this? "What I find so worrying about this is that we now apparently have vaccines where people simply write in the package leaflet 'this can kill you'." We share Theo Schetters' concerns.

A medical association has no clue about the risk of cancer. It's in the documentation, but apparently no one is interested enough to even read it! Truly shocking!

- More on C-flue* - 
