With the warm summer weather the media are pushing the climate change narrative to their hearts' content. They are counting on the human inability to keep objective remembrance of things like the general weather. We keep only vague memories on such circumstances and no one keeps objective data. In Greece we recently lived through 45 degrees centigrade; it happens every year for as long as memory serves. Glenn Beck has made a compilation of proved climate change hoaxes over the years. It has a hundred percent score. 

July 27, 2023 Glenn Beck: Climate Myths DEBUNKED: The Real Reason Elites Want You Terrified of Global Warming.

Ridiculous hoaxes are being pushed in the media: from melting condoms and hyper sweating disrupting people's sex lives, to blood clots being caused by "glowball boiling", dixit the Sec. Gen. of the UN, Antonio Guterres. Of course the globalist NWO is at the heart of the climate fraud. 

Paul Joseph Watson is also on the case of Guterres fear mongering overdrive.

July 28, 2023 Paul Joseph Watson: Quick!

The entire environmentalist premise is an anti human, pagan, pseudo religion at best. It is also essentially anti scientific. Through its history, the planet's climate has changed continuously. The idea that man has the power to change the weather is so hubristic, that it should be an affront to every Christian.

Arrogance is the essence of every ruling elite that has lost the credibility of the people. Since they know in their hears they are illegitimate they can't be seen as weak, which means no reverse gear and doubling down on stupid, and the inability to learn anything!

Energy expert Dave Walsh explained the situation on July 27 with regard to renewable energy that will never be enough to keep the world population in the economic standards it has become accustomed to. There are third world nations who's development will become arrested at present levels or below.

July 27, 2023 War Room: Dave Walsh: "Part Time Renewable Energy Doesn't Provide Enough For Regular Summer Heat".

First world nations will not be able to maintain their present levels of prosperity either. Germany and other Western nations all already in de-industrialization mode and in economic recession on the basis of the double edged sword of sanctions against Russia alone. 

The scrapping of tourism and vacations abroad by the Greens are not even the worst that will befall us, should the climate hoaxers get their way. They are willfully putting the world's food supply in danger. And guess who will be the first to bear the brunt of that insanity?

"You just can’t continue to both warm the planet, while also expecting to feed it. So we have to reduce emissions from the food system." John Kerry says that destruction of the farming industry is essential to achieving net zero. 

The US is in another sort of monetary and economic crises of its own making by de-basing the dollar and overspending like drunken sailors. Read separate but related stories on de-dollarization by the BRICS members (link) and CBDCs (link) for more background. 

In a recent post on Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) we listed a number of articles by Dr. Robert Malone that are interesting from the climate hoax point of view as well. These issues have to be seen from the perspective of one overarching context, as everything hangs together. Dr. Malone -- inventor of the mRNA method of vaccination -- has understood that as well. 

Read Dr. Malone's articles on the website of the Malone Institute:

- Population Control and Official USG Policy 
  Here are the receipts. Not a "conspiracy theory" (link)

- The Greening of the Globe 
  Global plant life surging, but is there an answer?  (link)
  (Parts 2 of 3 on Green Colonialism and Climate Change in progress)

Especially what Malone calls Green Colonialism is very interesting. It means that developing nations are being forced into green policies. Remember the collapse of Sri Lanka through green policies in 2022? (link)

Developing countries are being starved of capital investment if they don't comply with the globalists' green washing plans. But economic growth without cheap energy is just impossible. The whole thing is irresponsible and borders the criminal!

July 28, 2023 War Room Battleground: Dr. Malone on Green Colonialism (from the 8 minute mark). 

Is it any wonder that Russian President Vladimir Putin just concluded a very successful summit in Moscow with African leaders. Western media talked it down of course, but the only thing they are capable of is lying. 

July 28, 2023 The Duran: African nations defy Collective West, attend Russia-Africa summit.

Worse for the collective West a number of African and Latin American countries can't wait to join the BRICS' gold backed trading currency (link). 
