A foremost issue on the lips of the US administrative state and its lapdogs in the media is the question what is likely to survive the Trump 2.0's spring cleaning and what is likely to stay (at least for  now)? The domestic apparatus is easiest to dismantle. What is more entrenched is the internationally related services, like the Pentagon and the State Department. Rubio is probably not the man to drain that specific swamp. Mike Benz, Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website) has been investigating for years, State Dept. associated institutions like the USAID, the CIA, the Atlantic Council, the National Endowment for Democracy and others (collectively referred to as 'the blob') that have also coopted a swath of ivy league academic faculties for their subversive operations. 

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Nov. 11, 2024 War Room: Mike Benz Breaks Down What The Left's Censorship Will Look Like In The Trump Era.

The censoring apparatus
In 2016, with the onset of Trump 1.0 these outward directed agencies turned on their heels and started directing their regime change special skills against the domestic Government in an act which no one yet calls treason, but that is essentially what it is. 

Apart of erecting an entire edifice of censorship within the confines of social media, they have been pushing foreign Governments to enact censorship laws, in which the EU has been the prime vassal state. 

The EU has implemented the Digital Services Act (DSA) in August 2023 aimed at what they call "online hate speech, disinformation, and illegal content", making large digital platforms responsible for the content hosted on their services. The law has turned them in effect into publishers instead of platforms, the very opposite of US law under section 230 (Wiki). 

Benz is trying to look at the censorship demons with a sense of humor. He reveals their basic weaknesses and shows what a sad lot they actually are. 

The transatlantic flank attack
This web of externally directed institutions of which NATO is not the least of importance, are of course a lot harder to dismantle than a bunch of rats infesting the Department of Justice or Homeland Security. But perhaps not. We'll have to see. 

Expect to see more attempts to trigger Color Revolutions in Russia's back yard like Georgia, Armenia, Moldova, Abghazia, etc., as well as "transitional justice", more state laws, "media literacy" projects and transatlantic flank attacks. 

Russia Russia Russia 2.0
But the censoring apparatus is not the only problem. The wider problem is the rest of the administrative state and its supporters in the media. In his weekend podcast, Glenn Beck has a look at the issue with the co-author of "Propaganda Wars".

Nov. 16, 2024 Glenn Beck: Why Trump Should Prepare for the Media's Next Propaganda War | Ep 235.

The remnant of the Obama regime burrowed into the administrative state launched Operation Crossfire Hurricane (a.k.a. Russiagate) against Trump 1.0. This involved putting spies and honey pot operatives in the Trump campaign and in the White House. 

Operation Crossfire Hurricane
Originally conceived by Hillary Clinton as cover up for her own illicit server problems, Crossfire Hurricane was essentially a conspiracy that involved intelligence agencies in all Five Eyes, Anglo-Saxon countries, to wit, the US, Canada, the UK, Australia and New Zealand. 

One of Trump's campaign aids. George Papadopoulos related the entire operation in his book "Deep State Target", which reads like a spy novel (highly recommended: bookfinder). 

The question is now, what can we expect at present from the Deep State/media/blob industrial complex? Glenn Beck may have some answers. You can get your copy of "Propaganda Wars" at Glennsnewbook.com. 

Here comes Russia Collusion Hoax 2.0. But will it work this time?

Update: We have recent reports showing how the Democrats are operating. It is hardly possible by now to share a democracy with these people. Check out this articles!

External reading
BBC:  [Democrat] Senators call for probe into Musk's alleged contact with Russia
Newsweek: Elon Musk Threatening 'Consequences' Sparks Backlash
