Last year we reported extensively on the annual BRICS summit 2023 (link). The 2024 summit will be held in Kazan, Russia from Oct. 22 to 24. Last year expectations were high due to speculations about the announcement of a gold backed currency. This did not (yet) happen though. But it is good to remind ourselves what the consequences will be should the US dollar lose its reserve currency status, which is still possible with or without a new trading currency in the BRICS nations. The one party that for now does not seem to have any worries about a new world order, is the UN. Russia extending an invitation to the Secretary General of the UN could be interpreted as a matter of expediency, diplomacy or even common curtesy (source). 


Oct. 13, 2024 Redacted: "Something HUGE is about to happen" and U.S. dominance is on the line.

The funding BRICS member states are Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa.

As of 2024, several countries have expressed interest in joining BRICS, including Iran, UAE, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Argentina.

Other countries that have been mentioned as potential BRICS members include Belarus, Algeria, Mexico, and Turkey.

The organization’s New Development Bank provides financing opportunities for member countries, making it an attractive prospect for many emerging countries.

Colonel Douglas McGregor explains the background to Russell Brand. 

Oct. 15, 2024 Russell Brand: It’s Over! 600,000 Killed, The Ukraine Nation Is DEAD” – Col Douglas Macgregor on Ukraine War.

- More in BRICS, cold backed currency - 


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