Tulsi Gabbard, 2020 Democrat presidential candidate and veteran  was the next guest of Tucker Carlson on a stage talk, the third in a series of live shows across the United States in which he talks to remarkable people in the news and in society. Carlson has embarked on this live tour because, as he says, live shows can't be censored. Get tickets to an upcoming show here

Sep. 7, 2024 TCN: Tulsi Gabbard on Dick Cheney’s Lust for Nuclear War, and Why She’s on Biden’s “Terrorist Watchlist”.

After long hesitation whether to post Carlson's fourth talk in the state of Utah with Mormon and The Blaze CEO, Glenn Beck, despite his dodgy theology, there's too much good here to pass up. 

Per usual with Beck, the hits come as abundantly as the misses. But also given how free speech is now being oppressed, I decided to let you decide for yourself.

Listening 'between the lines' as at were, especially where the 'end times' and other Mormon ideas are concerned, Beck has some remarkable truths to tell where people in power are concerned. 

Sep. 8, 2024 TCN: Glenn Beck: Good vs. Evil, Why You Need Failure, and Escaping Cable News.

Part of what Beck explains about fleeting fame and strength of character resonated in the light of a message from Jordan Peterson.

We live in the era of stupidity. Some basic philosophy could have easily prevented this. As it is, some people are actually incapable of learning anything. 


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