Got a collection of seemingly unrelated media productions to share with you this weekend. Their only connective tissue is just that they're too good to be left unpublished. But perhaps that is not the only common denominator. Let's give it a go. 

May 30, 2024 Homilies of the Metropolitan of Morphou: Lighting up the lighter of the Saints in Paphos (29th spiritual dialogue synaxis - 25/01/2024) (Greek original).

As we have posted in an earlier story (link) Metropolitan Neophytos of Morphou is somewhat of an expert on Orthodox prophecies. This is a lengthy video, but it is worth every minute. His Eminence is stunningly well informed about cultural and geopolitical affairs and is often very amusing. His approach is certainly original! 

A note from the translator
The 29th Spiritual Dialogue Synaxis with Metropolitan Neophytos of Morfou took place on January 25, 2024 at the church of Panagia Pantanasi in Paphos, in the framework of the series of lectures on "The Therapeutic Treatment of the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition", organized by the Holy Metropolis of Paphos. 

At the 1:45:07 mark, the Metropolitan refers to the Coronavirus and says, among other things, that it was a "global experiment in the intimidation and subjugation of the people... which was successful. In other countries, he continues, sixty percent were vaccinated, and he says, by mistake that in Cyprus twenty-five percent were vaccinated, when in fact in Cyprus twenty-five percent were not vaccinated.

So, after thanking the translators for their continuous service, here are my two cents with notes on the homily.

* In passing his Eminence is throwing in some prophecies about the EU at the 46:30 and the 1:02:27 marks. Interesting! 
* From the 1:06:47 mark he's clarifying some points on Orthodox anthropology, which is markedly different from the Western idea of how a human being and his functions work.
* At the 1:26:45 his Eminence explains his position on illegal migration. Which, as you might expect, is as surprising as it is original. 

Ukraine and the Bolshevik Revolution|
Item number two I'd like to share with you is an interview of 21 Wire host Patrick Henningsen with that walking, talking encyclopedia on comparative theology, Jay Dyer. They investigate the parallels of the war in Ukraine and the Bolshevik Revolution. The common denominator: persecution of the Orthodox Church. The hatred displayed by Western leaders for Christianity is palpable and it reveals what root this liberal fascism is coming from.

But instead of concluding that Communism or "the Left"  is the culprit, let's go one level deeper into history and acknowledge that all modern ideologies, starting from liberalism, are the fruits of the tree of the so-called Enlightenment that propagates a mechanistic view of the universe.

We have to credit Belgian Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet for this nugget. He wrote a book about it, titled "The Psychology of Totalitarianism" (bookfinder). More in "Creation Is Not a Cuckoo Clock!" (link). 

Call to action in Greece
I am so grateful that the Greek people have a functioning radar for evil when they see it. Having been under incremental nihilist attacks since the sixties (depending on where you start counting) it took Western Europe years to figure this out (and in most cases they are still clutching at straws).

But it took the Greeks like, mere months to expose their new Government as the agents of globalist traitors. The Serbs, being under sustained pressure for decades, were even faster off the mark. On July 6 get out your hiking shoes and meet up at the White Tower in Thessaloniki at 19:00LT for a family protest march! 

Call to action for the US

The Biden police state
Alex Jones is again under attack in the US by the evil Biden police state, but I'll be back on that in a separate posting (link). Closing with the continuing Trump = Caesar meme.

External reading
Daily Mail: 'Like Caesar, Trump wields a clout that transcends the laws and institutions of government,' writes Kagan.

- More on Orthodoxy, Orthodox Church of Ukraine, Greece
