In a momentous interview this weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham said the quiet part out loud. Perhaps without the prior intention to do so the senator blurted out the real reason why the US uni-party is so obsessed with the war in Ukraine. As the Left used to say, it's all about the oil. We never believed them. In this case, it's all about the minerals. Ten to twelve trillion USDollars worth of 'critical minerals, in fact'! 

June 10, 2024 War Room: James Rickards: Lindsey Graham Discusses Ukraine Like King Leopold II Would Discuss The Congo.

Never mind the leading questions posed by the CBS host -- which are disgusting enough in and of itself -- Graham explains without doubt what the war is about as far as the establishment of the uni-party goes. Either we get our share of the critical minerals from Ukraine, or Russia will share them with China. This is all about good, old geopolitics, pure and simple. 

The thin veil covering the justification of 'democracy' and 'the post World War 2 international rules based order' has long since proved a lot of nonsense given the dictatorial regime in Kiev. 

The Donbass area, where the war is raging "has been an important coal mining area since the late 19th century, when it became a heavily industrialized territory. As the Industrial Revolution took hold across Europe, the vast coal resources of the region, discovered in 1721, began to be exploited in the mid-late 19th century.

"It was at this point that the name Donbas came into use, derived from the term "Donets Coal Basin" referring to the area along the Donets river where most of the coal reserves were found."

Our source of above wisdom is the CIA cut out, Wikipedia. You can bet your bottom dollar that the Donbass is full of interesting minerals, critical to bottomless needs of modern technology and the lords of techno-feudalism.

As Rickards is pointing out, in Thursday's G7 meeting our sociopathic rulers are going to decide to commit financial suicide in slow motion by seizing Russia's assets and handing them over the comedian in the green pseudo fatigues, the current dictator of the Ukraine.

Of course they found some legalistic way of just using the interests on the assets, but theft it still is. You'd better believe that the likes of BRICS nations, like China, Saudi Arabia or India are going to think twice in the future before investing their money in the US or in the EU.

It is the most stupid think they've done since imposing the emo driven mega sanctions on Russia,. making it the fourth largest economy in the world and driving the economic power houses of Europe into green wastelands.

So there it is. You've been forewarned. Make your own nest egg idiot proof, while you still can! 

Update: Senator Lindsey Graham said a lot more besides. Alex has the details. 

June 11, 2024 Alex Christoforou: Graham wants Ukraine resources. US lifts weapons ban. Elensky in Bundestag. Romania F16 trick.

- More on Russia, Ukraine, G7, BRICS
