A quick word about the political situation in The Netherlands. It's not good. In fact, you can't make up the stuff they have come up with now! The tradition is that the leader of the biggest winning party becomes Prime Minister. That would be Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party. But that would mean there'd be hell to pay as far as  his opponents are concerned (what they really are, is haters.) So Wilders started to placate them, which is always a bad idea (he of all people, should know). This bad decision waiving this right started off a full five months' process of coalition negotiations. In the meantime Rutte's back stabbing cabinet stayed on as 'care takers', a situation of which they made the most. The second mistake was the appointment of the all important mediator in these matters, a civil servant steeped in the deep state (Wiki). 

So who would they choose now in this typically democratic process, Dutch style. It is unclear who, but someone thought it was a bright idea to nominate Mr. Deep State hisself for the job of PM. So here he is, the former chief of the intel service and anti terrorism agency, tricky Dicky (Wiki). 

The question now is, do the Dutch still have a grain of pluckiness left in them, or has all fighting spirit been demoralized out of them. I hope I'm wrong, but I fear the latter. 

The problem with this thoroughly secularized country, is that its moral compass (the Orthodox would call it the nous), has been lost, or they would have detected the spiritual wickedness ages ago.

While many people elsewhere in the world recognize evil when they see it (notably the US and Greece, where I can personally attest to), the Dutch still think they are having a political problem. 

In all these years they have not been able to work out that politics is downstream from culture; it is certainly way downstream from spiritual awareness.

If you read Dutch, here's a great piece by Jan Bennink (who happens to be an Orthodox) about the situation (link) (outpouring on X message). 

The account of the Parliament on X posted a simply message:

Mediator Richard van Zwol [civil servant, member of the Council of State] and Dick Schoof [civil servant, since March 2020 secretary-general at the Ministry of Justice and Security; as of May 2024 being considered for Prime Minister of the Netherlands] shall be holding a press briefing at 17:00 hours regarding the formation of a government (link). 

That's it. Move on, nothing to see here!

External reading
NU.NL: Voormalig AIVD-topman Dick Schoof voorgedragen als premierskandidaat (includes photo of Wilders congratulating him)

- More on The Netherlands


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