A few weeks ago Greek globalist PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis pushed a bill through the Vouli legalizing same sex marriage and their right to adopt children (links). This all went against protests by the Greek Orthodox Church, but the protagonists made a victory lap touting that the first Orthodox country had fallen. It will not stop there. It is part of an agenda. This program is a subject we have been grappling with in our blog, Pomo News which was active in the years 2014-2020 (link). With the search bar you can still plow through some old primers on various subjects related to Postmodernism (PoMo in pomo lingo) -- in its present form referred to as 'wokeism'. Seeing that the watchful, ever penetrating eye of Sauron has now fallen on the last European eparchy they have not yet been been able to thoroughly deconstruct -- the Orthodox world in general and the Greek territories in particular -- we are obliged to come back to the issue, again and again.  

April 29, 2024 Patrick David Harry: Sexual Subversion In the Holy Orthodox Church? with Rachel Wilson

Last night American Orthodox vloggers, David Patrick Harry and Rachel Wilson went into the topic, specifically from the point of view of women's studies. It does not matter from what angle you approach it, the aims, methods and targets are always the same. But there is no reason to get confused here. It's very simplistic really. We'll walk you through it in this post.

The one thing in which Greece differs from the Western world, and which may be its saving grace, is its holistic world view. The West has had a fragmented view on creation from the moment it emerged from the tribal way of life in Roman times. Even the brand of Christianity the Germanic tribes originally adopted -- Arianism (link) -- was heretic.

What usually happens when some Western corruption is introduced in Greece, is that it survives for some time as a fashion fad and then dies a silent death without taking root in the culture. Let us hope wokeism and all its subbranches and subcultures fares no better, as it deserves. Everything they touch, turns to ashes. For the moment all we can do is ring alarm bells from the highest belfries we can find. 

What we are essentially dealing with here is the latest rendition of Cultural Marxism that, like other forms of Marxism is pitting perceived oppressed groups against perceived oppressors. Minorities of all kinds are functioning as the oppressed classes and are to wrest power from the ones who have been wielding it for the last two thousand years, those being, straight, white men referred to as 'the patriarchate'. Minorities are basically everyone else, be it different in gender, sexual orientation, race, or whatever classification they may think up next in order to divide us. 

The philosophical program behind wokeism is the pairing of moral superiority to a metaphysical fluidity of reality. They do not believe objective reality (or truth) exists. Everything is subjective. So if they feel like a woman this season rather than a man (link), this is 'her truth' and you have to accept that, or you'll be at the receiving end of a string of ad hominems, or worse. 

With reality being fluid, the only thing that's real is power. So everything is looked at through that lens. In order to wrest power from those who have it, everything is allowed: lying, which includes all kinds of theater performances, not unlike you would expect from toddlers: temper tantrums, histrionics, cry sessions, veined offense and anger, moral blackmail, emotional exploitation of their perceived victimhood status, etc. Not to mention lawlessness of any kind, including fraud. The most dangerous place in the universe is standing between the wokerati and power.

You don't have to accept any of it. Rachel's example is a good one, when she recalls someone bringing up the argument that "women get depressed when they don't get their way". It brings to mind the official argument why kids 'diagnosed' as transgender must be affirmed as such immediately, otherwise they will attempt suicide. See how your virtues are being played on? Parental authority is further undermined by the state taking charge of these poor kids without parental approval, subjecting them to the most horrific medical experiments you can think of.

Where we strongly disagree with Rachel Wilson is in her conviction that all this is done with good intentions. No power hungry, revolutionary demon does ever anything out of the goodness of his heart, especially not in academia. The agenda is everything! It must go on at all cost. 

The Matrona affair as discussed in the video shows how far they are willing to go to distort reality to fit their fallacies. If anyone should never yield any power, it is those that are ruthlessly pursuing it, willing to sacrifice everything and everyone to get it. Look at it as a learned form of narcissism. Actually it's dangerously close to sociopathy. 

Another field that has become their battleground is the language department. Beware of equivocations, false definitions, sneaky implications, devious deception, innuendo, ad hominems and fallacies of every sort. In the debate on the societal acceptance of gays and transgenders the equivocation of sex with love is a good example of inserting a false assumption into the discussion that many are simply overlooking. It is designed to tear at Christian heart strings. 

At the time most of our nation states came into existence, every principle undergirding its building blocks was Natural Law. Rights were inherent in human beings and a gift from God (or Nature, if you were a Deist). Hence the idea of human rights that cannot be taken away by other men. But now, it's the opposite. Rights are a gift from a state that calls itself a ' rights state' by which they mean the rule of law, while boasting about their high moral values. It's made up from whole cloth! And just watch how fast your state given rights can be taken away!

An example of a sneaky implication is talking about the freedom of religion while  what they actually mean is, freedom from religion. The battlefield is full of debris like that. 

Mental state
I once wrote that their mental development is at the level of twelve year olds. That was good until clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson concluded that actually, it's closer to the stage of a three year old. Narcissism bordering psychopathy we have already discussed. 

Redefining democracy 
Of course they have many more tricks in the book for you to hand over power. If you are against the war in Ukraine, you are an agent of Putin. These underhand methods to get their way have been elevated to the level of Governmental dirty tricks departments, as Mike Benz, Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website), exposed in this primer on censorship (link).

Benz explains the censorship industry the American and European security states have been  building over the last few years, in the name of 'saving democracy'. But what kind of democracy is that? Benz explains.

"Initially the censoring industry spanned the US and British Ministries of Defense and the European Union cooperating from bases in Germany and Eastern Europe, enabling the military to work with social media companies to censor 'Russian propaganda' and domestic Rightwing Populist groups.

"The crisis came in 2016, the year when the front moved westward with Brexit and the election of President Trump. In June NATO included hybrid warfare in its Charter to fight against what they deemed 'Russian proxies'. Note what they essentially did was declaring war on European voters.

(...) Instead of a tool for the spread of democracy around the world, the free speech issue [to them] had become a national security threat. (...) NATO started publishing white papers stating that the biggest threat we are facing is losing elections across Europe from blue collar populists campaigning for cheap Russian energy.

"They define democracy as being the strength of democratic institutions rather than the will of the voters. What you are left with is essentially, democracy as just the consensus building architecture within the democratic institutions themselves. (More)

This is the new definition of democracy. Given time, it is not even necessary for people to vote anymore in order to live in a democracy, as long as it has 'institutions'! 

How dangerous the new CIA is for the Orthodox world becomes clear in an article in 'The American Conservative' written by , titled "The CIA’s Man in Constantinople: The US Government is making itself felt in Orthodox internal politics", on the relationship of the CIA with the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholonew in Constantinople. The entire Orthodox world knows him as a wannabe Pope on par with the Bishop of Rome when it comes to religious reform and ecumenical issues (source). 

Greece and the reform agenda
The weight of Western oriented Government power is at present putting its heavy hand on the scale in order to make sure that the liberal-democrat agenda is pushed through at every level of society. To that effect the definition of equality, diversity and what constitutes a right, has been distorted beyond recognition.

Also, or especially by Greek PM, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, one of the globalist confab's golden boys. The PM is ivy league educated in the US and as such nurses an intense hatred for anything deemed 'populist'. He has never seen an aspect of the neoliberal globalist agenda he didn't like. 

Mitsotakis came to power the same way as so many other neoliberal globalists: by deceiving the voters. PM Mark Rutte in The Netherlands for example followed the same trajectory. Coming from a more or less Conservative, free market, liberal party they made deals with the left/greens opposition on climatism/open borders/socially ultra liberal programs against the people who voted for them.

In order to push through the liberal democrat agenda globalist Governments are also using front groups as their vanguards in society. These taxpayer funded NGOs are usually working to further some aspect of the agenda, climate or gay rights or such. These quangos are being tasked with 'pressuring' the Government into realizing its own covert policies. It's a total fraud! And you are paying for your own demise. 

How Greece has been infiltrated is illustrated by the Greek version of the Huffington Post (link). When I came across it, I first took the title of the outlet for a coincidence, but of course when it comes to the agenda, there is no such thing as coincidences. Turns out, the founder of the Huffington Post, Arianna Huffington is née Ariadne-Anna Stasinopoulou (Aριάδνη-Άννα Στασινοπούλου), an Orthodox lesbian. The outlet has long changed hands several times, but it shows how the agenda can creep in by the backdoor. 

As explained earlier Hellenic enculturation has a holistic world view that shields it from the worst of Western corruptions. Another thing Orthodoxy has going for it, is its decentralized hierarchy. There are no Popes to blackmail into submission or a Vatican to infiltrate! They may be able to corrupt a Bishop or a Metropolitan or two, but they can never get to the entire Church at once.

Ecumenism has officially been declared a heresy. Most hierarchs have expressed loathing of Mitsotakis' reform agenda, with some going as far as denying access to MPs who voted for the gay marriage act, which was parachuted through parliament under the banner of equality and human rights. 

The only other shield we have against the onslaught of this gang, is constant vigilance and unyielding determination to stop them. But there's one thing we cannot do, and that is underestimating its destructiveness. We have been going on about this for the last twenty years or so and shall continue doing that for as long as it takes to defeat this satanic cult. 

In the final video Jack Posobiec is reporting from Madrid about recent conferences in Budapest (link) and Bucharest (link) of movements in Europe that are fighting the woke, globalist agenda. These movements are working together across nations in order to defeat the woke globalists. The hour is very late. It is time for the Orthodox world to wake up! 

April 29, 2024 War Room: “This Movement Is Moving Beyond Borders”: Jack Posobiec On The Global Nationalist Movement.

There's also good news. Here's a bonus video of three Orthodox vloggers who actually believe that globalism is over. But it may decide to go out with a bang! 

April 30, 2024 The Duran: The End of the Globalists: with Jay Dyer.


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