Batya Ungar-Sargon is the opinion editor of Newsweek. Before that, she has written for the New York Times, the Washington Post and Foreign Policy and that is where I probably heard her name before in connection with some hit piece or other. Anyways, having seen the light, she has since denounced the Left. In her interview with Bannon she brings to mind where and when the Left stabbed the working class in the back. She says Obama replaced the Democrat championship of the working class with urban intellectual elites. That's not how I remember it though. 

March 5, 2024 War Room: Batya Ungar-Sargon Explains The MAGA Philosophy That The Left Can't Understand. Part 2.

Obama subscribed to the logic that the white working class was dying out from natural causes and was going to be replaced by foreign 'new citizens' of various ethnic minorities. So that was where the future of the party was going to be. 

This momentous shift in orientation occurred primarily through the dual interests of (neo)liberals in outsourcing jobs to China and the Left importing cheap labor, depressing the wages of those lucky enough to still have a job. But there was nothing natural about this process. It was a conscious, utilitarian choice! 

It left the working class disenfranchised and underrepresented until President Trump arrived on the scene in 2016 and took up the mantle. Is it any wonder they go through fire and water for him? The rest is history. 

Batya Ungar-Sargon has written the book "Second Class" (out April 5) that Bannon describes as the antidote to the piece of slanderous invective called "White Rural Rage" written in the best of Marxist traditions: the product has the patina of scientism, but is in fact the type of propaganda that would make Goebbels blush, blood libel included!

March 5, 2024 War Room: Bannon Lists The Four Reasons Why The Liberal Elites Believe MAGA Is Threat To American Democracy.

It is important to look back every once in a while, to understand how we got here. Here's what we wrote about Trumpism at the time (link) and this one year into his presidency (link). 

A recent interview Tucker Carlson had with Chinese born activist, Xi van Vliet brought to mind how the current Left is applying the exact same methods as the Mao youths during the Cultural Revolution.

Ignore the signs at your peril. 

- More on Revolution, Liberalism, Marxism
