Alex Christoforou's daily vlog has a number of subjects illustrating the change in definition of what democracy actually is, as noticed by Mike Benz, Executive Director of the free speech watchdog, Foundation for Freedom Online (website) in his now famous interview with Tucker Carlson. The interview was outlined in-depth in our "Primer on the Global Mass Censoring Industry" (link). The gradual changing of definitions and other tactics in the info war by their very nature are not so easy to detect for the average citizen, but nevertheless play a crucial role in the operators gaining ground on the unsuspecting populace.

March 8, 2024 Alex Christoforou: (...) Ursula, right/left extremists.

In the interview Benz explained that "if you define democracy as being the strength of democratic institutions rather than the will of the voters, what you are left with is essentially, democracy as just the consensus building architecture within the democratic institutions themselves". As it happens three of the final subjects in Alex' daily vlog, perfectly illustrate the point,

From Sweden finally entering into NATO to the former twin nations, Czechia and Slovenia falling out over how to handle Ukraine; from the EU extending Ukraine tariff free grain imports into the EU for another year, despite the protests of European farmers, to the European People's Party honchos' attempt at fake democracy in Bucharest, Romania...

(...) "all these need to reach a consensus and that process takes a lot of time and effort. From their perspective that is what democracy is! Now if a bunch of populists suddenly decide they like a truck driver who is popular on TikTok more than the carefully constructed consensus (...) that, from their perspective, is an attack on democracy."

March 9, 2024 Alex Christoforou: Orban meets Trump, Benz said it best. 

You can see how this works, right? Listen carefully to Von der Leyen's speech, specifically aimed at Russia and The Putin on the one hand, and on the other 'Populists, Nationalists and demagogues on the far Right and the far Left'.

Clearly the only good guys are we, who are neither of those things and never spread hatred from behind our key boards...[scoff]

Blind to their own demagoguery, from her podium in Bucharest Ursula sounds like a niece three times removed from Onkel Benito (sorry for the WW2 reference, but I can't help myself). 

This is now what democracy is. Just so you know. 

- More on 'pomo lingo' in another lifetime - 
