The interview of Tucker Carlson with Russian President Putin laid bare an ideological misunderstanding in Western culture. It is about the origin of the political ideologies vying for power today. At one time Socialism meant an opposing economical system to that of Classical Liberalism. But times have changed. We don't have opposing ideas any more, we're back to the old fashioned class struggle. On the one hand, there's 'we the people', on the other side there are the ruling globalist elites, that feel more loyalty towards each other than they do towards the people who vote for them and whom they represent. We would do well to realize what a pernicious game 'democracy' has become. Because the root of these opposing systems, in which many still believe for want of a better political paradigm, come from a single philosophical source. The game is presenting them as alternatives, while in reality they are one and the same uniparty.

The shortest version of the common root of all present day political movements was presented the other day by Orthodox expert in everything New World Order, Jay Dyer. Below we will post a longer version of a debate Dyer had a few months ago with a protagonist of the atheist persuasion, James Lindsay. They agreed on the root.

Coming on the heels of the Scientific Revolution (link), the Enlightenment initially led to many great achievements. Amongst which were the American and Greek Revolutions.

But in a series on Enlightenment Revolutions we also encountered that other type of rebellion, the French, Russian and German uprisings (part 1, part 2, part 3).

The difference between the two is that the former were struggles for freedom and independence, while the second type were civil wars in which the people were pitted against secular and sacred elites. We are on the verge of a repetition of the second kind. Civil wars are much worse than wars between foreign entities.

Enlightenment ideologies posit certain premises as self evident, as universal and eternal truths, but which are in fact, ideas, not reality. One of the Liberal axioms is that there is no relation between ethnicity and soil. Which is why it is so easy for them to uproot entire populations and dislocating them elsewhere.

The positive side of this is the American melting pot, living out its motto of E Pluribus Unum, Out of Many, One (link). The negative side are the endless streams of illegal aliens invading the West's soft underbellies. These are coordinated by supranational entities like the UN and its NGOs for the purpose of destabilization and demoralization. They are in a war against us, for which we pay ourselves! 

Socialism has its share of 'axioms', preferring the social construct that blames society of all perceived evils. It means that a trait is not inherent in a person, but is being taught from an early age by outside influence. Remember the debates on nature versus nurture? 

A ripe example of this is confusing genders with gender roles and then claiming these roles are learnt. As we now know, even genders themselves have become fluid. 

Equality of the sexes may be seen as a positive side of this piece of pseudo science, but surely not everyone would agree to that. The down side is obviously the cruel crimes committed by the pharmaceutical-medical complex against children caught up in the transgender racket. 

You could go on indefinitely summing up the semi truths and whole constructs on which Enlightenment ideologies have been built. It is no wonder Liberals and Socialists will resort to despotism to realize their goals: it's part of the psychology that makes their end goals so noble, that any means are justified to realize them. That's why all Utopias, without exception, are built on the skeletons of millions of victims. 

In the video on the Jones Show, Jay Dyer sees a direct line of Neo Platonism and Gnosticism taking root in East and West alike through Masonic Lodges.

Translation: He [Count John Kapodistrias] was not the only Greek. Alexandros Ypsilantis (December 12, 1792 - January 31, 1828) was a Greek nobleman of the Russian aristocracy, an officer of the Russian Army who held the rank of Major General and Leader of the Friendly Society [Masonic Lodge].

The Jewish mason, Baruch Spinoza (Wiki)  codified for the first time subjective morality by embedding it in Liberal theory.
It did not matter much as long as morality was derived from the Judeo-Christian heritage. But as secularism set in, a huge, gaping, black hole emerged where a moral compass used to be.

The latest iteration of Enlightenment ideology is transhumanism. In this episode Jay Dyer and Dr. James Lindsay discuss the ever-advancing war on humanity. This expansive conversation illuminates the road to transhumanism based on Platonian and Gnostic elements.

2023 Jay Dyer: Dr. James Lindsay & Jay Dyer: Gnostic Roots of Modernity: Courtenay Turner Podcast.

It has now become clear that at the root of the Enlightenment are the related ideas of Platonism and Gnosticism that themselves can be reduced to one single axiom: that creation consist of two parts, the material and the immaterial world and that this material part is false, unreal and evil. This dualism in itself is a philosophical fallacy, about which more in a separate post. 

Plato posited that the true substances are not physical bodies, but  abstractions, eternal forms of which bodies are just imperfect copies. This duality is but one step removed from the Gnostic belief that material existence is evil and the physical universe was made by a malevolent lesser creator.

This explains the never ending wish of Enlightenment devotees to 'change the world', 'make a better world', and so on, and so forth through the ages of ages. You can't satisfy their hunger for change, because it is the core of their spiritual DNA. 

The title of our blog, 'The Dystopia of Paradise' is referring to the that idea. The universe in and of itself is evil, unjust and inequitable. But it is possible for virtuous people to turn it into a paradise on earth. But since men is a fallen creature, this inevitably leads to the creation of a dystopic world. There's a viciousness in the belief of an evil Creation.

For all the lofty claims about idealism and evil materialism,  Enlightenment ideas are all based on materialism and rationalism. This may be part of the numerous Marxist and liberal contradictions. 

Liberals do see the evils nominally committed by the Left, but fail to recognize that it is Liberalism itself that is as much part of the problem, as Marxism is. The two political ideologies are two branches on the same mechanistic Enlightenment tree. 

Have a look at this tweeX by a British Liberal decrying the evils of the trans movement, but missing the point that this itself is the result of the Liberalism he lauds (link). Most Liberals omit to see that their morality is subjective. And that is its fatal flaw. 

Dyer and Lindsay explain the part the German philosopher Hegel plays in this eternal game, the Hegelian rat wheel that veers from one extreme to the next, and finding consolidation somewhere in the middle until the next chaotic thing starts the entire cycle back up again (link). (Hegel dialectic, Marxist dialectic). It never ends. 

Last night's vote in the Greek Vouli on the Bill that legalized same sex marriage stands as a monument to the same democratic con game that is perpetrated by present political class against the will of the people. Today the Greek PM expressed his satisfaction, stressing specifically that his achievement was the result of a Center Right Government! 

Central to the objections, apart from the obvious ones rooted in the Christian theology and Greece's inherent cultural conservatism, is that the adoption of children is part of the bill.

It is based on the pseudo scientific construct that gender roles are learnt socially and that they are as such irrelevant to child rearing. Two dads are equal to wo mums, or one mum and a dad! They don't accept the fact that reality consists in hierarchies. So everything is flat and equal.

I can tell you from experience of a friend who through circumstances was brought up without a mother. According to Enlightenment theory the father would have taken on the role of father as well as mother. He tried.

Although the girl was well taken care of and grew up having three children of her own, she was never able to bring them up properly, because she lacked the role model of a mother. Social services had to intervene and everybody involved was living unhappily ever after. These social experiments come at the price of human lives being ruined. 

This posting is meant to make the point, that however we may think we vote politically, we are out of the frying pan, into the fire, whatever we do. Today's political parties present themselves as  legitimate choices, but in the end they are one and the same, the uniparty here described by Vivek Ramaswamy. 

Our only hope is coming from new parties, formed by political outsiders or off-shoots of existing parties that have proved to be truly Popular Nationalist. There is a lot of faking and infiltrating going on. So you have to be  extra careful who you entrust your vote to. 

Too many people still feel intimidated by the meaningless pejoratives that the established elites have at their disposal. Conditioned for decades, we have accepted that it is bad to be called Far Right, Radical Right, Alt Right or whatever. Morally we must learn to embrace it, accept it like a badge of honor. Only then will it lose its power over us.
