Those with eyes to see and ears to hear (and the ability to resist the globalist psychosis) have seen it coming for a long time. The matter is becoming more acute by the day. And a few days ago Donald Trump threw down the gauntlet in a Telegram message. It echoes voices heard all over the world. The rest of the globe is by now despising Western hegemony and progressive liberalism that is dominating each and every other culture on the planet. What they see is no longer liberty and prosperity, but hypocrites and degenerates egged on by their sycophants in the media. 


The Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, whose daughter was blown up by Western backed Ukrainian state terrorists, voices the feelings on the Eurasian landmass. 

The Nigerian filmmaker, actor and author J.C. Okechukwu voices similar -- if more mundane -- views from the African continent.

Those on the outside have perhaps a clearer view on the corruption in American politics in general and the West more specifically, especially after the blind Western backing of the Ukrainian fascists against Russia. Russia survives and thrives after the sanctions, but that was not for Western want of trying.

The Globalists, the Cabal, the Uni Party, the Elites, call them what you will, think the people are dumb and blind. That they can deceive us with worthless funny money, gaslighting, deadly vaccines, and fear projects in all its forms. But history shows where this is going. 

Some observers have commented that the ruling elites in the West do not seem to have a reverse gear. Of course they don't! Tyrants never do. They will push through their pernicious policies by any means at their disposal until they meet resistance.

This means that expecting change to come from them, is an exercise in futility. We have come to the point where chairman Mao's aphorism applies, that power comes from the barrel of a gun. Not a gun per se, but it means that power is never given up voluntarily; it must be taken. 

Neil Oliver understands it as well. To start with, we need cultural change. We've been blogging about this since 2008. Culture is upstream from politics. If you want to change politics, start with culture. We need a cultural paradigm shift that not just rejects the ways of the old regime, but one that articulates a virtue based ethics program.

Sep. 14, 2023 Neil Oliver: Fancy A Revolution?

In the past it was easy to revert to the brilliance of America's founding fathers that brought us liberty and prosperity. But as Oliver says, that system is done. Liberalism in its ultimate iteration has proved it can't be reformed.

MAGAnomics as a sort of mixed economy may be salvaged as it has proved to work, but as we have explained in the past Liberalism as an idea contains a inherent moral fault line that must be addressed (link). 

Sep. 14, 2023 War Room: Dave Brat: Americans Below Poverty Line Shoots Up 50% Under Bidenomics. 

A recent analyst has tried to explain the founding philosophy was based on Whiggism, rather than Liberalism. The debate whether the republic was based on natural rights or on tradition, is also ongoing (link). Whatever. We need a new overall paradigm within the context of the national state and one that excludes collectivism as well as utopianism. 

This may go too deep for some, but to address the very root is an indispensable condition. The new dichotomy that replaced Left versus Right, is Economic Nationalism versus Globalism. But that can be reduced further into Realism versus Idealism.

And here we arrive at the philosophic essence of the problem. Ideas are tools to explore reality; they are not meant to replace reality. The ontological crux of the matter is: the positive view of existence against the Platonic/Gnostic view of the universe as a basically evil place. It sounds futile, but it is the seed of everything. 

The new revolution must get it right. Otherwise we'll be back in the rat race of abstractions before the century is out. 

- More on Liberalism
- More on Globalism
