June 6, 2023 Jordan Peterson: Rekindling the Spirit of the Classic Democrat | Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
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— Contrarian (@ContrarianTribe) June 19, 2023
Jordan Peterson interview with Robert Kennedy Jr. #cancelyoutube
Whereas Classical Liberalism was passing for a form of conservatism in many places and ages, Americans have understood for a long time that Liberalism morphs easily into Leftism. From there on, all that is required for the ideology to career off the rails is the replacement of the freedom of the individual with the interests of the globalist elites, and Bob's you uncle.
The word 'democracy' has long been used by the Left as synonymous with 'socialism' since decades. The fundamental error in the fabric of Liberalism is moral subjectivism. In other words, morality is not objective but dependent on the perspective of the observer.
Liberalism as the oldest of the Enlightenment ideologies, developed embedded in the cultural symbiosis with Protestant Christianity. But it never developed an ethical or principled view on the matter. It sat on the fence. Liberalism was agnostic on the subject of religion and morality. But in such a vacuum any random ethics program can hitch a ride. And it did.
To such an extent that presently the entire Cultural Marxist ideology has become embedded in Liberal Democracy as a moral absolute. Anyone daring to voice protest or opposition to the LibDem position is isolated and cancelled, putting the most fanatical Marxist to shame.
Liberalism at this point is so irredeemably bankrupt, that a return to even the most conservative form of Liberalism is no longer an option. Because we now know, what is the final stage of that relativist ideology. Not even the freedom of the individual was ever an absolute. There's no going back.
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