How is this gender affirming medical stuff even legal? Let's be honest. These crimes against humanity can only have happened with the active acquiescence of large swaths of the establishment: Government Ministers, law-makers and other people's representatives, teachers and librarians, media, doctors and medical organizations and services, health insurance corporations and of course, those that are looking after the interests of the pharmaceutical industry. With transgenderism humanity has reached the pit of what our species is capable of. In the latest edition the CDC is enabling these demons to a mockery of a beautiful function of motherhood. As Christians we must trust in the Justice of our Lord Jesus Christ and we must pray that He will strengthen and bless the poor souls who are exploited and destroyed in such a vile manner. That He may forgive the perpetrators of these horrors and all the enablers who close their eyes to it. Because the victims certainly won't be able to. It would seem that the evil of our time is particularly hard for the most innocent and vulnerable among us. And that's no coincidence. 

July 6, 2023 War Room: America’s Children Soon To Be Taught Men Can Get Pregnant And Breastfeed According To CDC. 
