Now this is new, pop stars taking a stand. Remember the arson case at the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris that burnt it down in 2019? The French authorities never admitted what caused the fire; but everyone knew. "It wasn't terrorism", they asserted, even before the last fires were doused. But it wasn't the first Catholic Church in France going up in smoke at the time. The authorities are still baffled (link)! "Why France is losing a religious building every two weeks", asks the Catholic News Agency (link). It's a rhetorical question of course, because CNA have no idea!  "Notre Dame: State of the restoration 4 years since the fire", is the latest update from Deutsche Welle (link). It's making headway. When nihilists like Steve Morrissey (Wiki) take a stand, you know it's serious. Morrissey in concert in Israel, kissing a Rosary on stage in a new song questioning the destruction of the beloved Paris Cathedral:

July 3, 2023 Morrissey: Notre Dame. Enhanced audio

"Notre Dame, we know who tried to kill you 
"Notre Dame, we will not be silent 
"Before investigation they said: this is not terrorism
"They said there is nothing to see here"

Make no mistake. It's not just France. Church fires are happening all over the Western world. 


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